Human rights treaty implementation: The Consensus on Canada

This Law Sheet identifies overlapping areas of human rights treaty obligation in which
various international monitoring bodies have found Canada’s performance to be
unsatisfactory. The extent of the consensus regarding Canada’s non-compliance with its
human rights obligations in particular areas, that exists among the international monitoring
bodies applying different treaties, serves to highlight some of the work that Canadian
governments must attend to urgently, if Canada is to maintain its reputation as a rightsrespecting

This Law Sheet identifies overlapping areas of human rights treaty obligation in which various international monitoring bodies have found Canada’s performance to be unsatisfactory. The extent of the consensus regarding Canada’s non-compliance with its human rights obligations in particular areas, that exists among the international monitoring bodies applying different treaties, serves to highlight some of the work that Canadian governments must attend to urgently, if Canada is to maintain its reputation as a rights respecting nation.

Human rights treaty implementation: The Consensus on Canada (PDF)

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