Centre Publications
- Articles & Reports(13)
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- Law Sheets(5)
| Gosselin v. A.G. Québec, human rights law, poverty, social rights, welfareBritish Columbia human rights law social rights United Nations welfare economic rights women's poverty Canadian government homelessness social program cuts social assistance Gosselin v. A.G. Québec domestic human rights law Charter Human Rights Commission housing Q & As human rights treaties advocacy human rights poverty BC CEDAW tent city single mothers women's inequality BC Housing Corporation Woodward's squat Social Union Framework Agreement caron access to justice constitutional litigation costs
Majority embraces stereotype of the poor (December 2002)
Majority Embraces Stereotype of Poor by Shelagh Day The majority decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in last week’s welfare rights case, Gosselin v Quebec, is a disturbing one. Five judges endorsed a Quebec scheme that consigned thousands of 18 to 30 year old welfare recipients to extreme poverty, and found that it did […]